Worship While You Wait

My arms hung limply at my sides. I longed to pull my people close and whisper prayers of encouragement in their ears as I hugged them. But it was forbidden. No physical contact. The authorities called it 'social distancing' so we can hopefully ‘bend the curve’ of this global pandemic. We were still allowed to hold services at our church (which turned out to be our last) but could not even shake hands. Hand sanitizer stations were sprinkled throughout the church building. We did not pass the offering plate but rather had a drop box at the back. Everyone just sort of awkwardly greeted one another. How close is too close? I wonder if so and so is infected. Oh no, did you hear them sneeze?! The next day I started coming down with a head cold. It wasn’t long before my sinuses were infected. This meant not only could I not hug people I could not even go out, except for walks, if I made sure to keep a wide berth between me and anyone I came across. I entered a 10-day isolation p...