What is God Up To?

Many people in Western Canada are disappointed with the 2021 federal election results. It feels like our beloved country is racing toward the edge of a cliff. I wonder what God is up to. The bible is clear that God is in control of who leads the nations. What could he possibly have in mind for us? Sometimes it doesn’t feel like his plans are all that good. I do not know the answer to these musings. But I DO know one thing: the Church must rise up and live as citizens of heaven and ambassadors for Christ. We must stop putting our hope in the government and put it solidly on God! “ Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. ” ( Psalm 20:7–8 , NIV84) Could it be that the Church has become too comfortable and set in her ways? Could it be that God wants to rock her boat a little, so she takes note of what is really important and who is really in charge? On the ...