Lingering in Dissonance

Music is made up of chords and scales. When I was a music teacher I taught my students to play by ear, learning which chords went along with which notes. Beginners learned primary chords and when proficient with those I added minors and irregular chords. Lastly, I introduced dissonant chords, chords that don’t seem to fit, or that cause a bit of angst in the listener until they finally resolve to a primary chord. Oxford Dictionary Definition: Dissonance - lack of harmony among musical notes; a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements. I am presently the interim Worship Ministries Coordinator at our church, and one of my responsibilities is to share a short devotional with my teams on Sunday mornings prior to our service. I’ve been doing a series on ‘Psalms of Ascent’ and last Sunday I read Psalm 130. A few verses jumped out at me: “ I wait for the Lord , my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lo...