
If you have not yet done so, please read The Story (see link on Home screen) before you begin reading my posts. It will give the backstory to this blog. 

Since the writing of my introduction my computer remained, for the most part, dormant. I could not write. I know I said that this adventure was going to be exciting and I boldly said that I was ‘all in’ but I was not prepared for just how ‘exiting’ it was going to be. Plus, I was (still am) quite frightened to write my blog for others to read. I did not have the strength to be that vulnerable.

Since the writing of my introduction my husband has taken the position Lead Pastor in a small town in south-central Alberta. I am once again married to a pastor which makes me a pastor’s wife. What about the tether that was thrown off? You know, the one called ‘pastor’s wife’? (see intro blog). Our home in central AB has not yet sold so we are renting a condo. I love it here. I have a beautiful office. I can walk to the grocery store 2 minutes away, swim in the pool 3 minutes away, walk to my husband’s office, also only 3 minutes away. We have everything we need in this place.

Since the writing of my introduction we have been on quite the adventure. But, I kind of got ahead of myself so let me back up and share parts of our journey from there to here.

Back to when my friend told me that I was about to be untethered.

Jesus, what exactly did you mean when you said, “Connie is about to be untethered.”?

“Released to be who I have been
preparing you to be; operating from
a place of total security in me.
To be totally free.”

We were ministering in a place where my gifts and talents were not being utilized to their full potential. I had lost my passion for teaching piano. God was moving me into a new direction.

In 2017 (prior to the ‘untethering’ word) the same friend asked if I would be interested in writing part of my story for a book project her friend was putting together. A book about God’s faithfulness in the midst of trying times. She knew part of my journey and encouraged me to contact Lisa and apply to be part of the author team. Fear spoke loud and clear, “You’re not a writer!! Who would want to read your story anyway?!” Immediately another voice spoke, “You do have a story. You said you didn’t want your pain wasted and would share the story of God’s faithfulness when the time came.” Now the time had come. Could I operate from a place of total security in Christ?

I took the plunge and sent in my application. This set into motion my journey of transition from being a music teacher (the known) to becoming an author (the unknown). For two years I tried to balance writing and teaching. It seemed I did not have the energy to do both well. So, I began the process of retiring from a lifelong career of teaching piano. There went tether #1.

You need to know that writing is not a lucrative venture unless you somehow make the New York Best Seller List. Not only does a writer not make money but she spends copious amounts of cash getting published. Then she must try and get people to buy her book so she can recoup some of her costs. No, teaching piano is definitely a more secure financial venture. But this was not about making money. This was about obedience.

About 8 months after I was accepted onto the author team, I held my first book in my hands. I was a published author!! You can read part of my story in Carried: 10 Stories of Finding Supernatural Peace in the Midst of Pain and Confusion, chapter 6.  I had no idea I would find writing so fulfilling; that I would even be any good at it.

From there I went on to write 10 devotionals for Journey through Winter: a three-month devotional journey (applying the word of God to real life situations; testifying to His faithfulness in difficult life circumstances). Now I am a twice-published author! I am still surprised when people give me positive feedback about my writing. My readers seem to actually enjoy reading my words. Could God use me here, in this new uncharted territory?

For a few years I partnered with some dear friends launching a new ministry designed to encourage women who find themselves caught in difficult times. While serving on the leadership team of Walk With Me Ministries I learned a lot about myself, my strengths, passion, gifts, and calling. I learned about what God has wired me for. He took me through some inner healing, deliverance from enemy strongholds, and soul transformation. He’s not done yet, but we are well on the way. Like the Apostle Paul of the Bible, I can say:

 I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.” (Philippians 3:12–14, The Message)

Before I was ready--I was expecting to be with WWMM for many years--the time came for our sweet tribe of women to part ways. God called me to step onto another new path. This blog is part of that new path. I plan to share my journey of living untethered, learning what it looks like and feels like to relinquish control to God and allow him to be my captain, going where he tells me to go, saying what he tells me to say, etc. I don’t always get it right that’s why I’m calling it a journey. And, I’m inviting you to come along with me.

My plan is to write once a week until my Captain directs otherwise. It may not flow chronologically; probably more like a pinball ricocheting back and forth in an unpredictable pattern. My hope is that you will find some nuggets of encouragement along the way and that you will get a new perspective on how amazing Jesus is.


  1. Oh, Connie! I am excited for you and look forward to your untethered journey. Cindy

  2. well you have come a long way since we kind of lost contact congratulations on your success and keep up with your journey


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