Endurance: Going Deeper, Climbing Higher
brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an
opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your
endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is
fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”
(James 1:2–4, NLT)
Seriously?! Joy? Sometimes I have a hard
time getting past that first line. As I peruse my journals, it seems that each time
I face a new trial, I write, “This is the most difficult one yet”. Funny how
our present trouble feels worse than anything we’ve felt before. If the above
verses are true, then it would follow that each subsequent struggle would be more difficult than the one
before. I’ve been in a rigorous training program that began at the age of 5.
I was 4 years old when I trusted in
Jesus’ death and resurrection to pay for the penalty of my sins. It was only
a year later that the abuse began. I endured verbal, emotional, sexual,
physical, and spiritual abuse for many years. All through those years, though I
went through some serious questioning, I never left my Jesus and he never left
me. On the outside I appeared to be rebellious and wicked as I pushed against
the status quo, yet nearly every day I read my Bible and talked with Jesus. My
faith was being tested and it was growing.
It seems one of the ways Jesus has been
working endurance in my life is through financial trials. My first recollection
of financial stress is from my Bible College years. I was paying my own way
through school and it turned out to be much more expensive than I had budgeted.
Time and again I watched as God provided for my needs.
From our first pastoral ministry to the
present one we have many stories of God’s miraculous provision for us when we
were up against a wall with no apparent way around it. Each provision is a
deposit into the bank of God’s faithfulness. When we face financial stresses
now we can take a look at the account and easily see that God is still ‘in the
black’. His faithfulness never runs out.
Kids seem to be another area of testing.
Our kids have all given their hearts to Jesus. They are amazing kids who honour
and respect us. As one by one they flew from the nest they each in turn made
choices that have brought both blessings and consequences, some long term, some
short lived. It is difficult watching your kids make tough choices. Their
priorities are different than ours. God has clearly told my husband and me, “I
have your kids. Your job is to just keep walking and love them. I
will do the rest.”
We have faced betrayal and unrealistic expectations.
We have been falsely accused of sin.
Sometimes God allowed us to face our
accusers alone. Were we willing to go to the wall for what we believed? Could
we stand our ground in the face of opposition? The path of least resistance would
have been easier. It is almost impossible to be ‘happy about it’ or patient in
the midst of the trial.
blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will
receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”
(James 1:12, NLT)
In 2014 we had 3 people close to us die
in an eight-month stretch. This was a time of ‘white-knuckling it’ just to put
one foot in front of the other.
I talk about the stresses of relocation
in a previous blog. See ‘Transition’.
Every trial seems to prepare us for the
next one to come. I believe that is why James says, “…when your faith is tested
your endurance has a chance to grow…”. I could never have survived the trials
of the last 7 years had I not been in a rigorous conditioning program throughout my life.
If I had not needed God, I would never
have experienced his amazing provision. If my faith had not been tested, I
would not know that he is faithful and that he is near, that he will NEVER
leave me no matter what is happening. Bad things happen on this side of heaven,
but my Saviour is always with me. He never promised I would experience a life
of ease if I obeyed him. In fact, he promises the opposite. If we are his
disciples, we will experience trials of many kinds.
I am in a much more intimate
relationship with Jesus than I ever would have been had I not walked through
the valley of testing with him. Endurance does not just happen. It is not
necessarily developed with every trial we go through. It is what we do with our
trials that determines whether endurance will be the result.
Looking for and seeing God at work in the midst of difficult circumstances is what
gives us joy. As we see him at work, we can trust him. That’s when endurance
begins to develop. We see him at work in a small trial and trust him with small
stuff. We see him at work in more challenging trials and our trust grows even
“But the one who endures to the end will be
saved.” (Matthew
24:13, NLT)
“It is finished! I am the Alpha and the
Omega—the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from
the springs of the water of life. All
who are victorious will inherit all these blessings, and I will be
their God, and they will be my children.” (Revelation 21:5–7, NLT)
There are days I feel like I am on top
of this joy thing. I can walk with my hands raised in gratitude, awe, and
wonder of God who is walking with me. There are days I ‘white-knuckle my walker’
and can barely put one foot in front of the other. And, some days I just lie
down and say to Jesus, “I can’t even.” But little by little he is building endurance
in me.
What are you ready for? Are you in the
midst of a trial? Ask Jesus to show you where he is in all of it. Rejoice that
the Lord is not allowing you to remain static but that he is creating
opportunities for your faith to grow. This
is so counter-intuitive but that is where growth begins.
“I don’t
mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already
reached perfection. But I press on…to reach the end of the race and receive the
heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”
(Philippians 3:12–14,
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