What if____?

Do any of you ever go down the ‘what if’ road? What if I don’t make any friends in our new community? What if my marriage does not get better? What if my husband loses his job? What if this pain in my body is cancer? What if my kids don’t love Jesus?
You fill in the blank. What if ____?

Not long ago (July 2018 at the time of writing this) I decided it was time to read through the Bible again. These days I am in Chronicles. To be honest I have been struggling in my trust of the Lord lately. There are so many unknowns in our life and it is beginning to wear on me. I know God is faithful and good. He has taken us through some very deep waters. But 'what ifs' race around the track of my mind like the cars in the Indy 500! What if the house doesn’t sell? What if we don’t find a suitable ministry? What if we didn’t hear God correctly? What if we go bankrupt and end up homeless?

As the end of our present ministry (remember this is from 2018) looms on the not so distant horizon and no ministry opportunities have materialized and no offers have been made to purchase our home, anxiety knocks at the door of my soul begging entrance.

In 2 Chronicles, Israel and Judah have parted ways, with Israel serving pagan gods but Judah still remaining faithful to God. The Ethiopian army, outnumbering Judah 2:1, declares war on Judah. 

Then [King] Asa cried out to the Lord his God, “O Lord, no one but you can help the powerless against the mighty! Help us, O Lord our God, for we trust in you alone. It is in your name that we have come against this vast horde. O Lord, you are our God; do not let mere men prevail against you!” So the Lord defeated the Ethiopians in the presence of Asa and the army of Judah, and the enemy fled. Asa and his army pursued them as far as Gerar, and so many Ethiopians fell that they were unable to rally. They were destroyed by the Lord and his army, and the army of Judah carried off a vast amount of plunder.  (emphasis mine)
(2 Chronicles 14:11–13, NLT) 

The army of Judah didn’t even have to do any fighting. They got to carry off the blessing of the plunder. Then, for 25 years, Judah experiences peace under King Asa’s rule.
But two chapters later we read that Israel is attacking Judah and seems to be gaining the upper hand. So, Asa sends a note, along with the temple gold as a bribe, to a foreign king asking for his help.

God sends a messenger to Asa with this message:

Don’t you remember what happened to the Ethiopians and Libyans and their vast army, with all of their chariots and charioteers? At that time you relied on the Lord, and he handed them over to you.” (2 Chronicles 16:8, NLT) [Emphasis mine] 

I was instantly convicted.
“Connie, don’t you remember the faithfulness of God all your life?! Why are you overwhelmed? God, your God, is the same yesterday, today, and forever!”

I had made agreements with ‘what if’. ‘What if’ is a spirit of fear and anxiety. That is not from the Lord. When you become aware of lies, fears, and curses that you have believed and acted upon it is very important to ‘take those thoughts captive’ as it says in the scriptures.

 We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5, The Message) 

The way I have learned to do this (taken from Nothing Hidden Ministries) is to say out loud, “I nail_______ (fill in whatever it is you have allowed to control your thinking) to the cross of Jesus Christ and I break all agreements I have made with __________ known or unknown, and repent of joining with it”. Then I ask the Father to send them far away from me. I always ask him what he wants to replace the lies, fears, and curses with because it is not a good idea to leave the place in your soul vacant, as worse lies will come and take their place.

So, I nailed ‘what if’ to the cross of Jesus Christ and I broke all agreements I had made, known and unknown, with it, and I repented. Before I could even finish my question of what Father wanted to replace it with, I heard him say, “I AM”!

I have seen I AM in action in my life. I AM your Deliverer, I AM your Provider, Protector, Redeemer, Healer, Comforter – and the list goes on. That was all I needed. He is all I need. Things may turn out differently than what I hope or expect but He will be with me. He will sustain me. He knows what I need.

Life on this side of heaven may never be easy, i.e. without pain, sorrow, grief, etc. But we can choose to walk daily in His presence or to squander grace and peace by making agreements with ‘what if’.  We have no guarantee that life will turn out the way we hope it will.

Why not take some time right now to recount the ways in which God has provided for you, how he has protected you, and comforted you?

…take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs.
 Hebrews 12:12 NLT
…and give thanks. Jesus is right there by your side! Just keep walking, keep your eyes on Jesus. Trust him. He is good!

Brief update: January 2020
September 2019, my husband was called to be the Lead Pastor of a church (meeting all the requests our grandson asked of the Father: a safe community where we can go for walks after dark as a family, within a 2.5 hour radius of his house, and an indoor pool where we can go swimming when they come to visit). Our house still has not sold but the Lord keeps paying the mortgage. Some days we receive good news and others we receive bad. God is faithful and he is good. We always have enough for today: enough food, enough energy, enough resources to accomplish what God is asking of us…Best of all we have His Presence.


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