God's Faithful Love Endures Forever


Psalm 136 has a phrase that is repeated after every statement. The Psalmist begins with this:

                                                “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!                                                                                His faithful love endures forever. Psalm 136:1 NLT                              

He mentions both good things and difficult things but always comes back to “his faithful love endures forever”. This inspired me to write my own ‘psalm of remembrance for 2020’. From January to December, we experienced the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful. So here goes.

My husband and I attended a pastors and wives retreat that fed our souls and was the beginning of some new and beautiful friendships.

            His faithful love endures forever.

My mom came for a visit.

            His faithful loves endures forever.

We were invited to go snowshoeing in the mountains with some new friends.

            His faithful love endures forever.

COVID-19 began to sweep across our country.

            His faithful love endures forever.

Our church meetings and social gatherings were shut down.

            His faithful love endures forever.

We started porch visits and developed beautiful connections with our people in a matter of weeks that would have taken years under normal conditions.

            His faithful love endures forever.

We were given a week vacation at a Lakehouse in the Shuswaps.

            His faithful love endures forever.

A traumatic sudden death of one of our church family shook us all up. It is so difficult to minister to a grieving family during these COVID restrictions.

            His faithful love endures forever.

Camping with our kids and grandkids at a beautiful private river campsite after some COVID restrictions were lifted was the highlight of our summer.

            His faithful love endures forever.

The rains came down and the floods sprang up, so we had to vacate our spot of shalom by the river and re-establish our campsite on higher ground.

            His faithful love endures forever.

We were told to expect a new grandbaby to arrive next February/March.

            His faithful love endures forever.

My mom was diagnosed with cancer.

            His faithful love endures forever.

After over two years on the market our house finally sold.

            His faithful loves endures forever.

Then God led us to a house before it officially came on the market.

            His faithful love endures forever.

We give thanks to God daily for this new home.

             His faithful love endures forever.

My sister and I went on a road trip to visit our mom.

            His faithful love endures forever.

We laid to rest our little granddaughter Wren, whom I will never get to hold.

            His faithful love endures forever.

Birthday celebration, home renos, and family.

            His faithful love endures forever.

We installed a wood burning stove in our Livingroom. It feeds my soul!

            His faithful love endures forever.

I was able to fly to Manitoba between lockdowns to be with my mom as she convalesced after a mastectomy.

            His faithful love endures forever.

Tom and I were able to spend week in an Air BnB in the mountains for a week of rejuvenation.

            His faithful love endures forever.

COVID-19 shuts down our province again and we must cancel our family birthday party and photoshoot.

            His faithful love endures forever.

Even more stringent restrictions force us to cancel our Christmas family gathering. We haven’t seen some of our kids since our flooded out camping trip. So many tears

            His faithful love endures forever.

I found a good PT and chiropractor who have helped to significantly decrease my pain levels.

            His faithful loves endures forever.

Some restrictions were lifted and our daughter along with her boys were allowed to come home for Christmas.

            His faithful love endures forever.

We live in an era of fantastic communication – zoom, unlimited texting and video calling, etc. – that allows us to connect with family and friends whom we would otherwise not be able to see.

            His faithful love endures forever.

Jesus willingly gave up the light and joy of heaven to come to earth, a bleak and dark place, so that he could make the payment for our sins and we could walk free.

            His faithful love endures forever.


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