When God Says No
““Keep on asking,
and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep
on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks,
receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will
be opened.
parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone
instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So
if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much
more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” (Matthew 7:7–11, NLT)
“I tell you, you
can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be
yours.” (Mark
11:24, NLT)
“You can ask for
anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the
Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” (John 14:13–14, NLT)
you ever asked God for something and he seemed to not be listening? You ask,
like it says in the Bible, but he doesn’t give you what you asked for? That is
what happened with my mom and me.
was visiting my mom in MB and we were running a lot of errands all over the
city. Because of ‘the COVID’, we were wearing masks whenever we went into a
store. Then when we climbed back into the car, we took them off. It wasn’t
until later in the day, after we had returned to my mom’s home, that she
noticed her hearing aid was gone. No wonder I had to keep repeating everything
I said! Our first response was to cry out to Jesus to help us find it, to show
us where to look. We looked through garbage, scoured the car, examined the
parking lot where we had unloaded the groceries, phoned all the businesses
where we had gone inside. Nothing. No hearing aid.
what is that about? My mom is a widow. You said you defend them and look after
them. This doesn’t feel like you are looking after her. She can’t afford to
replace it. Please do something.
was Tuesday. She phoned her insurance company to see if they could do anything
for her. Well, yes if she would supply them with the original invoice for the
hearing aid and send them an estimate of a similar model from the audiologist,
they would be able to help her. The hearing aid was 12 years old and she had moved
since then. There was no way she could find that invoice. But Enhanced Hearing did
in fact have a record of when she purchased it, the model, and how much it had
cost. Finally, we had all the documentation into the appropriate people. And
guess what?! The insurance company agreed to pay all but Mom’s deductible for a
brand-new hearing aid. This one even has upgraded technology!
mom was still disappointed that God had not answered her prayer. She liked that
hearing aid and did not want to have to adjust to a new one. As she was
debriefing with me, I heard her say that it had been falling apart and it
wasn’t the first time it had dropped off her ear. She should have taken it in
to be repaired. Not only was she disappointed with God, she was disappointed
with her own neglect.
the midst of her grief and frustration she could not see the gift that was being
unwrapped in front of her. God had a much better gift for her than to find the
12-year-old-worn-out hearing aid. He had a surprise for her. Had her hearing
aid merely ‘died of old age’ she would have had to replace it at full cost to
herself. Aging is expensive!! Now she gets an upgrade for a fraction of the
times than I care to admit I have reacted just like my Mom did. I have a vision
for how God should answer and provide for me. It’s a well thought out exquisite
plan. Then, when God doesn’t take my idea, I battle with disappointment and
grief. Why is he not listening? Why does it say in the scriptures that we can
ask whatever we want, and he’ll give it to us, if he doesn’t answer when we
ask? Mostly I don’t know why. But sometimes he shows me why.
said that, “Why?” is not a very good question to ask. I am learning that I do
better to ask, “What are you trying to teach me in this situation?” I have
learned that God is always good and if he is not giving me what I am asking for,
he has an even better plan. But honestly, that doesn’t always bring comfort in
the moment. Often, I choose to pout for a bit first. Many times, God answers my
question with a question of his own, “Can you trust me with this?” Every time I
am humbled by that question because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he
is totally trustworthy, he is good, and if I need it, he will provide it. It’s
not always wrapped the way I would choose but it is always good. It doesn’t
always arrive on my timetable, but it always arrives at the perfect time.
is God saying ‘no’ to you about today? Have you asked him what he has for you
to learn in the situation? Or maybe you are like me and you need a bit of time
to pout. God is with you in your pouting, too. Only don’t stay there overlong. He
longs for your heart. Do you see his hand reaching for yours? Do you hear his
voice gently asking you, “Do you trust me?” Do you believe he may have
something even better than you could ask or imagine in store for you?
problem was that my mom needed a hearing aid to help her hear. We thought the
best thing would be for us to find the one that had been lost. God did answer
that prayer; he did provide a hearing aid for her. But he ‘upped the
ante’ and gave her a much better one, and it even came with warranty! The
problem was that our ‘ask’ was too small. Sometimes we would do better to stop
and ask how God wants us to pray. Had we simply come to him and said, “Father,
we have a problem. Would you solve it for us?”, we could have skipped the
disappointment phase, waited in excited anticipation while he worked on the
details and then gone straight to the rejoicing phase. I can see the smile on
his face as he gave her more than what she asked for.
asked Mom about it the other day and she is overjoyed with her new hearing aid.
God is so much better than we give him credit for.
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