The Great Re-Set


Sometimes the breaker gets tripped; the flow of electricity is blocked or interrupted. When that happens, the switch must be reset to restore the proper flow of power. But first the reason for the circuit break must be discovered and sometimes removed or repaired.  

I need a reset button on my soul. When life throws me a curve ball, I often need to re-set my attitude. To call this covid era ‘a curve ball’ is a bit of an understatement. Everywhere I turn I see something that reminds me that life is not normal. Every conversation seems to turn to things covid &/or politics sooner or later. I’m not advocating sticking one’s head in the sand, although I could get used to being on a sandy beach beside a warm ocean these days. I am saying that if I allow myself to obsess about these issues I soon find myself despairing, I get cynical and critical. That is not fun for anyone.

Back in October 2021 decided to try a remedy for my disillusionment. I began a Trust Challenge. For the better part of October I posted on social media, for all the world to read, a past challenge to my trust in God and how he revealed himself to me; a present challenge in which I felt the need to express my trust in God – even if I didn’t feel it; and a future challenge for which I knew I needed to trust God to bring about a good outcome – and by “good” I mean what he knows is good, not just what I hope he will agree will be good.

I started reading in the Psalms shortly after my mom passed away. The Psalmist was facing some pretty serious obstacles, yet he kept praising God for the things He had done, is doing, and will continue to do. That last part – the things He will do – is the kicker. How do I know what God will do? This is where the ‘re-set’ part comes in. Why do I feel that I need to know what he will do? Is it not enough to know that he is good and does not plan to harm me in any way?

Sometimes it is imperative to speak out loud the things we know to be true about God for our souls to really believe them. Speaking out what God has done and is doing gives us the courage we need to keep walking, trusting him with tomorrow.

This ‘Trust Challenge’ is from October 2021 after a year and a half of all things covid. I will just post the highlights because to include them all would be a bit too long of a read. It was a much-needed re-set for me. It is my hope that my readers will find some encouragement from my journey and be able to do some parallel learning along the way.

Oct 18 Trust Challenge

From my earliest memory I saw my parents reading God's word regularly. My mom's Bible was open on the table all the time. She, especially, taught me how vital reading God's word was to life itself.

PAST - I listened to my parents' exhortation and read my Bible, trusting their wisdom. Even in my days of questioning (some called it rebellion) I remember reading my Bible almost daily. It is woven intricately into my existence. God's word is what has held me together through thick and thin.

PRESENT - In these days of conflicting 'research' - so many words out there each claiming that they have the corner of the market on truth - I cling to God's word, trusting that he will give the necessary discernment to navigate this crazy life. In reading Psalm 119 I notice that almost every verse mentions God's word. It is such a good reminder to follow David's example.

FUTURE - My constant prayer is that if I ever stray from the truth that God will take me out; actually, I pray he takes me out before I stray. I know that if I stop reading his word regularly, I will stray because my spirit will shrivel. His word is my oxygen!


Oct 23 Trust Challenge – Rest

That word itself poses a challenge because if I'm resting nothing is getting done. The house doesn't clean itself. Kids don't rear themselves. Dinner doesn't make itself. So on and so on.

PAST - (2009) I had separated my left shoulder in a motorbike mishap, and a few weeks later I had surgery to have a large tumor removed from my right femoral nerve. I was laid up. I couldn't do much of anything except rest and allow my body to heal. The world did not come to an end just because Connie wasn't able to hold it together. It was humbling and glorious at the same time to watch how God took care of things; how he brought people around me to help. That was a season of rest and I had to learn to let things go. (It seems I'm still in the classroom of learning to let things go🥴).

PRESENT - If everyone would just see things the way I do and do what I say there would be peace in the land (where is that sarcasm font when I need it?!). This trying to control things is exhausting! Once again, I am in that place of learning to 'let it go'. Mt 11:29-30: Connie, put down that yoke and take mine, it will fit you perfectly, unlike that cumbersome one you are trying to walk with. You look a little ridiculous in that thing. (okay that was paraphrased a little by me).

FUTURE - I may not like the way things are unfolding in my world but I can trust my God because he says in Ps 121 that he doesn't sleep, and he never even gets tired. v. 5 The LORD himself watches over you...v. 8 the LORD keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.

Resting does not necessarily mean to sit and do nothing; it means trust God with it and keep step with him. Sometimes it means that it is time for a nap, sometimes it means get up and put your hand to the plow but with HIS yoke rather than mine.

I can rest only in so much as I trust him.


Oct 30 Trust Challenge – Wounds

On this side of heaven difficult things happen. People inflict pain on each other, with or without intent to harm. We get to chose how we respond to the wounds our souls receive.

PAST - Not to brag or anything but I have a warrior's share of scars. I remember the day I gave my heart to Jesus and he gave me his Spirit in exchange. It is because of that exchange that I am still walking today.

In order to heal, I had to give Jesus access to my wounds. It hurt to go back and visit those events, but it was the only way forward if I didn't want to have a brittle heart. I chose to trust him; that he would be gentle with my broken heart and that the pain would be worth it.

PRESENT - Long ago I said I didn't want my pain to be wasted, I wanted to be willing to talk about it with others so they would have hope for the healing of their wounds. What good are scars if you keep them covered? That is why I said yes so quickly to Shiloh Nott when she asked me to speak at CR. If I thought about it too long, I think I may have reasoned my way out of it.

I sometimes hear a bit of bitterness creep back into my voice as I am sharing a past hurt...that is a good reminder to me that I need to go back to the infirmary for a check-up; a little deeper healing needs to take place.

FUTURE - As long as I am walking on this earth, I know that pain is inevitable. But I know the Healer, he is a good friend of mine, and has proved himself totally trustworthy with my wounds. So, when wounds are once again inflicted on my soul I know where to go. I know the pain of re-visiting the difficult event(s) will be worth it because scars (healed wounds) tell a story of a faithful, loving God❤️


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