A Letter to Mary
On this Christmas Eve I bring you something a little different. Bethany Quinn is my baby-girl. Well she is a grown woman, but she will always be my baby. She works to feed people long after I am snug in my warm bed. After a long shift she is physically exhausted but often unable to go right to sleep when she finally gets home. One December night, in the wee hours of the morning, her mind was swirling with many thoughts about that first Christmas long ago, so she just started writing them down. The following blog is straight from her heart and she graciously gave me permission to share it with you. * * * 3 AM thoughts. Mary was a mother. So, she would feel mother type emotions, right? Well, I wrote it all down as it came to my brain. I couldn’t sleep if I had tried to, so here it is. Thinking of Mary as a Mother. Mary, WHEN did you know? Was it the Angel that told you you...